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Home / News / News / WGBW 2020: TIME TO ACT

We live in a time when global warming alarms are so frequent that they are no longer counted. Last year was the hottest ever and the decade just ended the warmer one ever recorded.

The tenth edition of World Green Building Week, from 21 to 26 of September, will put the spotlight on climate change. #Action and #ActOnClimate the official hashtag, for what will be a week of explicit calls for action to deal with the global warming emergency.

Picture taken during 240 consecutive days of fires in Australia. An estimated 12.6 million hectares of forest land and over one billion animals lost

#ActOnClimate, where to start?

It was discussed extensively during the last WGBW edition, but progress has not lived up to the urgency of the problem: the construction sector, the largest in economic terms, continues to be also the most onerous in terms of resources and environmental impact.

The “demand” for buildings in the world continues to be very high, consuming 40% of total primary energy, 40% of raw materials and 13% of drinking water. In addition, 39% of global CO2 emissions come from this sector.

Buildings, therefore, as a major resource waste and source of air poisoning, and their decarbonisation is crucial in resolving the climate crisis.

Inquinamento Milano

In Milan smog is “home-made”, boilers and pellets pollute more than traffic

#Action, acting is good for everyone

The need for a bio-compatible environment has been recognised by all organisations worldwide. The vision of an “alternative” to reflect on, while advancing in the wake of indifference, is no longer contemplated.

Only ten years ago, IPCC scientists defined a series of tipping points for global warming, i.e. points of no return beyond which profound and irreversible changes with cascading effects on the entire Earth’s ecosystem would be triggered. To date, nine have already been reached.

A concrete and global response is needed to implement an accelerated transition to a new climate-friendly economy, capable of creating and supporting a resilient, sustainable and healthy environment.

Castello di Doragno

Castello di Doragno, energy recovery and redevelopment project. As well as not polluting, the building produces the energy needed to cover its consumption

Clima, from emergency to opportunity

Reducing the effects of climate change, according to studies, is indeed a challenge, but one with extraordinary potential for growth and development.

Effective management of the problem would have a huge impact on the economy, with concrete benefits calculated by the Global Commission on the New Climate Economy and published in a study entitled “Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century”.

Benefici economia low - carbon

The benefits of the Low Carbon Economy

The Report identifies 5 key areas for action: energy, cities, food and land use, water and industry. Stronger climate action in these systems could lead to the creation of 65 million new jobs and $26 trillion in economic benefits.

An effective policy against climate change would also significantly improve people’s health, drastically reducing the number of premature victims (now over 700,000) of air pollution.

In conclusion, opportunities are such only if they are taken up. Knowing that climate change is anthropogenic, i.e. of human origin, makes us all architects of the imminent future. Our ideas and choices, today more than ever, are important.

The World Green Building Council, of which Nesite is a member, invites everyone to take part in the initiative by sharing a message or a photo to associate with #ActOnClimate, or by addressing the institutions with a letter. All the indications to make your contribution are contained in this guide.


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