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Home / News / Face to Face with Nesite / Face to face with Nesite: interview with Davide Scalzo

Back to our appointment with Face to face with Nesite, in which our employees tell their stories from both a personal and a professional point of view.

This month we met David Scalzo, Nesite raised access floors agent for Emilia Romagna. The result is a portrait of a cheerful and positive person, just what we expect from an Emilian guy!

NESITE: Hello Davide, do you want to tell us in a few words maybe only 140 characters, so it comes out just a “tweet”, anything about you?

Davide: 37 years old, likable, self-deprecating, passionate about sports: as soon as I have just a little spare time I take my bike and walks in the hills. Another my big passion is running, which allowed me to participate at the New York Marathon, a unique experience!

N: How long have you been a Nesite agent and how is your relationship?

D: I’m in Nesite from just over a year but I work in this field for four years. When I discovered Nesite I immediately realized that it was the best solution form my professional upgrade: this job is giving my a lot of satisfaction.

N: Which are, in you opinion, the values and characteristics that makes Nesite a big company? 

D: Surely the quick time of response that it’s able to give, that’s its main point of strength that follows a very good know of the product and of the technical requirements.

N: Which are in you opinion the keys to success in the market today? 

D: The obtained results are the outcome of a continuous research, to be able to propose solutions at the right time, respecting and understanding the needs of our customers. I think that finding themselves prepared is a winning factor, as well as being transparent, professional, and competent: these factors, combined together, make the difference.

N: What do you think about social networks? Do you feel that are real tools of buzz and dialog among customers and company?

D: To be honest, I’ve never interacted too much with social networks, but I think that every company should look the web 2.0 using all the online communication channels that are a great way to provide visibility, also for marketing aspects.

N: If you had to describe Nesite with 3 adjectives which would you choose?

D: Young, flexible, e dynamic.

N: After the earthquake that hit Emilia Romagna last year, do you think that it has acquired greater sensitivity in the use of raised floors in a context of reconstruction after Earthquakes?

D: Unfortunately, in Italy, we often find ourselves unprepared for disasters like the earthquake in Emilia. Surely the floating floor has requirements that can provide importand and effective solutions, mainly due to the technical characteristics of the product, which allow flexibility and an important reduce of the installation times.

N: Three good proposals at workplace and personal for 2013?

D: Continue to be optimistic, smiling and positive. All things that seem trivial, but they can be of great help!

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